I have often been amazed by macro photos of the lilliputian world inhabited by tiny spiders and insects. So I have forgone eating for a few weeks and purchased a macro lens – money well spent! The last dry day (when was that again?) I spent peering into the bushes taking photos of everything that moved, and some that didn’t.
My first pic is of a very cute jumping spider; I think it is a Prostheclina pallida or Orange-faced Jumping Spider. These critters are about 5mm long with 2 big beautiful eyes … and six little ones. If my ID is wrong please let me know. Click on image to make bigger.
I love this critter pictured below! It is a lacewing larvae with the skeletal remains of its prey stacked on its back, plus other bits and pieces picked up on the way. The larvae itself is like a tiny crocodile with forcep like pincers and a voracious appetite, but it will pupate in 2 or 3 weeks. So if you see a tiny stack of debris lumbering up and down a leaf – take a closer look. Click to make bigger.
Below is a tropical stilt-legged fly (or stalk-legged). From a distance this looks like a largish mosquito, but on closer inspection you can see lovely big eyes and elegant legs. Be careful what you squish. Click to make bigger.
Aww, love the spider… and the beautiful little bugs 😀 Very nice.