I found myself driving through the early morning mist, the sun starting to peek over my left shoulder.  The only other brave souls about were some tradies in utes making their way to work  and a black labrador taking their person for a walk.  I’m usually a night owl, but I wanted to see the Sarus cranes dancing.  Hopefully I would not be too late and my early awakening would not be in vain.  As I neared Hasties Swamp, I could see the silhouette of cranes flying away.  I should’ve got up earlier!

Ensconced in the bird hide I saw that  a few small groups of cranes remained at the swamp.  These tall, elegant birds would greet and bid farewells with trumpeting and gracious bows.  When the last group of cranes flew off for the freshly ploughed pastures of the tablelands, two birds remained.  Alone at last, they started to dance.  This involved an impromptu display of bowing, circling and joyful leaping with wings outstretched. They chased each other with wings extended, like girls running with long petticoats held aloft.  It was over too soon, but I am pleased.  So pleased I vowed to get up early and do it again next week.

Hope you enjoy the video below.  It was taken  a couple of weeks ago.  The cranes are across the other side of the swamp, so the footage is not as clear as I would have liked.

If you are not able to see the video, please view on my you tube channel here.

Lots of interesting information on the Sarus Crane can be found at http://ozcranes.net and the Tablelands celebrate crane week  here http://www.craneweek.org .