It’s been really busy here at the cottages :), but I haven’t had much time for my favourite hobby :(.  So this afternoon I squeezed in half an hour with my camera but only managed some mediocre photos.  Regardless, I thought I would post a few of the little birds I saw today in order of smallness: (click on the photos to make them larger)

1.  Brown Gerygone (9-11cm) – commonly seen in small mixed parties flitting through the undergrowth.

2.  Yellow-breasted Boatbill (11-12cm) – occasionaly seen – usually when I don’t have my camera handy – unfortunately he was fairly high up in the canopy.

3.  Red-browed Finch (11-12cm) – a small group including some young ones have been feeding and chit chatting around the place.

4.  Pale-yellow Robin (12-13.5cm) –  they have no fear of people with cameras, and will pose quietly for you. They like to cling to the sides of trees in the dark undergrowth.