A mixed bag
I had an little bit of excitement at the cottages today. I was cleaning at the Pioneer cottage and my daughter told me there was a Victoria's Riflebird displaying above the cottage. Of course it was finished by the time [...]
I had an little bit of excitement at the cottages today. I was cleaning at the Pioneer cottage and my daughter told me there was a Victoria's Riflebird displaying above the cottage. Of course it was finished by the time [...]
...but 10 years to find something is a bit long. The Northern leaf-tailed gecko is so well camouflaged that I haven't seen a single one in all the time I have been here, then I discover they were under my nose all [...]
Well, not a real dragon, but a very primeval looking lizard. This Boyd's Forest Dragon was hanging around on the edge of the driveway. I had walked up and down the drive a couple of times today looking at the [...]